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most popular creation science scholarly research papers



...The purpose of this paper is to review the arguments that have been leveled against the concept of evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin and John Hunter... Modern textbooks expand on the largely debunked Miller-Urey experiment and further propose that the nucleotides form together in a primitive environment with explanations that include the RNA world hypothesis... Even if there was a self-organizing pattern, the probability of even a short strand of nucleotides occurring in a precisely specified linear pattern that would code for even the smallest single-celled organism with approximately 250 genes has been calculated to be 1 in 10^150 —1 in 10^70 less than the chance of finding a particular electron in the entire universe.

In addition to the lack of evidence for self-formation of proteins or nucleotides, the fundamental and insurmountable problem with Darwinian evolution lies in the remarkable complexity and inherent information contained within DNA...


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This is the first peer-reviewed scientific article to appear in a major publication that supports intelligent design theory. Of course this paper created an academic firestorm because it seriously undermined Darwinian evolution. This article focuses on the failure of mutation and natural selection to form new functions in organisms, and with an extra emphasis on the Cambrian explosion.


...Muller and Newman are not alone in this judgment. In the last decade or so a host of scientific essays and books have questioned the efficacy of selection and mutation as a mechanism for generating morphological novelty, as even a brief literature survey will establish. Thomson (1992:107) expressed doubt that large-scale morphological changes could accumulate via minor phenotypic changes at the population genetic level. Miklos (1993:29) argued that neo-Darwinism fails to provide a mechanism that can produce large-scale innovations in form and complexity. Gilbert et al. (1996) attempted to develop a new theory of evolutionary mechanisms to supplement classical neo-Darwinism, which, they argued, could not adequately explain macroevolution...




Opponents of the intelligent design (ID) approach to biology have sometimes argued that the ID perspective discourages scientific investigation. To the contrary, it can be argued that the most productive new paradigm in systems biology is actually much more compatible with a belief in the intelligent design of life than with a belief in neo-Darwinian evolution. This new paradigm in system biology, which has arisen in the past ten years or so, analyzes living systems in terms of systems engineering concepts such as design, information processing, optimization, and other explicitly teleological concepts. This new paradigm offers a successful, quantitative, predictive theory for biology. Although the main practitioners of the field attribute the presence of such things to the outworking of natural selection, they cannot avoid using design language and design concepts in their research, and a straightforward look at the field indicates it is really a design approach altogether.


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leading CREATION SCIENCE research journals


BIO-Complexity is published by The Biologic Institute in Redmond, Washington. BIO-Complexity is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a unique goal. It aims to be the leading forum for testing the scientific merit of the claim that intelligent design (ID) is a credible explanation for life. Because questions having to do with the role and origin of information in living systems are at the heart of the scientific controversy over ID, these topics—viewed from all angles and perspectives—are central to the journal's scope.

Click to visit the BIO-Complexity journal's homepage


The Journal of Creation is a technical journal published three times a year by Creation Ministries International. It presents analytical and incisive research in well-referenced and peer-reviewed articles on many topics relevant to geography, archaeology, history, theology and philosophy and young earth creation apologetics. This journal currently has subscribers in over 170 countries and growing. 

Click to visit the Journal of Creation homepage


Answers Research Journal is a professional, peer-reviewed technical journal published by Answers in Genesis. It features scientific and relevant research from the perspective of the recent creation and the global flood within a biblical framework. Answers Research Journal aims to provide scientists and students the results of cutting-edge research that demonstrates the validity of the young-earth model, the global flood, the non-evolutionary origin of “created kinds,” and other evidences that are consistent with the biblical account of origins.

Click to visit the Answers Research Journal homepage

The Creation Research Society Quarterly (CRSQ), first published in 1964, continues to be recognized worldwide as one of the premier journals in its field. The main publication of the Creation Research Society is its quarterly, peer-reviewed journal which emphasizes original research and the reinterpretation of existing scientific data within the creationist framework. The journal carries both technical and popular articles in most major scientific and allied disciplines, and thus is of interest to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.

Click to visit the Creation Research Quarterly Homepage

Intelligent design and special creation research organizations


The Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute is one of the leading intelligent design research organizations in the world right now. According to their website their goal is to advance the understanding that human beings and nature are the result of intelligent design rather than a blind and undirected process. We seek long-term scientific and cultural change through cutting-edge scientific research and scholarship; education and training of young leaders; communication to the general public; and advocacy of academic freedom and free speech for scientists, teachers, and students. 


The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is dedicated to showing that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us. ICR conducts laboratory, field, theoretical, and library research on projects that seek to understand the science of origins and Earth history. ICR scientists have conducted multi-year research projects at key locations such as Grand Canyon, Mount St. Helens, Yosemite Valley, and Santa Cruz River Valley in Argentina, and on vital issues like Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE), Flood-Activated Sedimentation and Tectonics (FAST), the human genome, soft tissue in fossils, and other topics related to geology, genetics, astro/geophysics, paleoclimatology, paleo-biochemistry, and much more.


The Biologic Institute is a non-profit research organization founded in 2005 for the purpose of developing a new approach to biology. Scientists affiliated with Biologic Institute are working from the idea that life appears to have been designed because it really was designed. They have begun researching the failure of Darwinian evolution to explain the diversity of life and publishing relevant research and data in their scholarly research journal, BIO-Complexity


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most attacked book of the Bible. Part of their mission statement to train others to develop a biblical worldview and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and its bedfellow deep time. They have begun their own peer-reviewed scientific journal known as Answers Research Journal


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